#11 - Buildings tracing in Gangtok (Archived)

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srividya_c marked #38 as done

srividya_c marked #18 as done

ramyaragupathy marked #14 as done

Chetan_Gowda marked #27 as done

srividya_c marked #24 as done

srividya_c marked #22 as done

srividya_c marked #28 as done

satyaakam validated #10

satyaakam invalidated #16

shravan91 marked #10 as done

shravan91 marked #16 as done

This project was archived.

Let's trace only buildings.


Install the 'Building Tools' Plugin.

Press A and then B to start drawing buildings.

Use X for the extend tool to make buildings look better. Watch this video.

Created by shravan91 - Updated - Priority: medium


Changeset Comment
When saving your work, please leave the default comment but add what you actually mapped, for example "added buildings and a residential road".

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